Participate | BACK TO THE BODY

Participate | BACK TO THE BODY

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Back to the body is a 90 minute dance session with live music, open to anyone wanting to (re)connect with their body in a safe environment. The rules are: no talking, no touching, no shoes, no alcohol and no drugs.

The event will be accompanied by professional dancer Gaja Caruso, who will be there to help you with your own individual experience; whether this is laying on the floor for the entire hour, or dancing till you drop. Whatever works for you, works for us.

Time: 20:30 - 22:00
Location: Bloemstraat 38, Groningen. 
Tickets: € 10,00

January 30th | w/ Rik van den Heuvel

Rik van den Heuvel (1988) is a composer and music producer known for blending acoustic instruments and field recordings to create organic, human-sounding electronic music. Since graduating from the conservatory in 2017, he has worked from his studio in De Biotoop (Haren, Groningen) on various projects, focusing recently on composing for dance performances.

Rik has collaborated with choreographers like Gaja Caruso and X_Yusuf_Boss and created music for productions such as Club Guy & Roni invites... (2022) and Tatiana Matveeva’s Fear.No.More (2023). Now, as part of Back To The Body, he presents a mix of new live material and music from these performances.